RedHat Summit 2017

Now I’m sitting on a plane, heading back to my family.

I just got through with the RedHat Summit 2017 in Boston and I also visited some of my family while there. It was an intense 3-4 days.

I generally love Boston, and also Cambridge across the river. While I was there, I took a visit over to the MIT Press Bookstore, and bought a few books, including Grokking algorithms which was a book that I already had on my wishlist, but wasn’t one I could find in the store anywhere else. It was going to be my next Amazon purchase, but I was lucky enough to find it there. I also bought Tokyo Boogie-Woogie, and one other book. I also explored Chinatown and had my first hot pot, which was an awesome experience.

Talks will be up on YouTube later more than likely on the Red Hat Summit Channel

Things that were of interest were the main keynotes, particularly those by Jim Whitehurst, the Road to A.I. videos and tech demos converting legacy WebSphere apps to containerized apps in JBoss. I saw a lot about CloudForms, OpenShift, the new online development platform, and of course a lot of side talks about microservices, microprofiles, OpenStack, security, etc. There was so much my brain was fried by the end, and the con crud I caught was probably a contributing factor to the mental exhaustion, but it is the good kind, the kind that will take days to process all that I learned. Talks will be up on YouTube later more than likely on the Red Hat Summit Channel. One of my favorite talks was given by Lucy Huh Kerner on CloudForms and security. Containers and the portability they provide since you can design your apps for container images then run them on any cloud provider or your own infrastructure or bare metal are taking over how we implement apps going forward, its not going to be just fad. RedHat and others have jumped in head first.

See also