Initial access and persistence through containers

This post is to follow up some of the technical details for the talk I gave at the 2024 Red Team Summit. The talk itself covered the use of container registries and infiltration through CI/CD pipelines as a means of initial access and persistence. This post will cover some of the technical details and examples that I used in the talk. The first thing to discuss is gaining initial access to a container registry. [Read More]

SDLC Testing

CI/CD pipelines exist in just about every company that does some kind of development. Some companies have more mature pipelines than others, but the rule still holds. Most companies with in house development have a Jenkins instance or some similar build orchestration software, code repositories, path to deployment, etc. Depending on your background you may be familiar with these environments to varying degrees. I started out doing somethin between running application servers and devops, maintaining deployment pipelines and helping developers troubleshoot issues. [Read More]