CarolinaCon 2017

Iworked another year as staff for CarolinaCon 2017. This year I helped run the hardware hacking village with my friends and fellow members of FALE which was mostly if not completely used to assemble badges for the conference which where Atmel based hardware badges that communicated wirelessly with RF modules on the ~900+Mhz frequency range. The badges were designed by my friend melvin2001 whom I miss badly now that he’s moved across country. [Read More]

Infosec Pivot

2018 came with a big transition for me, a new opportunity came up that allowed me to pivot into InfoSec full time. Without going into too much detail I’ll be doing a bit of offensive security. This is very exciting for me to say the least. One of the things I am working on that I have had plans to build out eventually for some time is a home pentesting lab. [Read More]